Annual soccer program - 10 months
At SIA Academy we stand out because we successfully train players at a high performance rate. While working on the sporting aspects with the utmost professionals, we also focus on educating our players in daily lifestyle and manors overall promoting a solid respectful enviornment within the academy.
We are the only internacional academy that obtains teams in all age categories up till the Mens Third Division, also includign our U19 youth team in the Spanish Nacional league. After being tested by our professionals, you will be placed in the team that most seems fit for your level of play.
Therefore, we guarantee to our players a whole and controlled training enviorment with the help of our professionals. Always being in contact with the coaches of each age group and category to keep in control the athletic evolution. Through working this way, hopefully in the future we make our ends meet and make our dreams of being a professional soccer player come true.
Our working method is based on a globalised methodology that draws on the different currents of work in training football. With this methodology we can focus at the same time on the two aspects that we consider fundamental for the development of our players: the individual aspect and the collective aspect.
Our aim is to offer our players all the necessary tools to solve all the problems that arise in matches, with training sessions focused on the individual aspects, working to develop all the details of individual technique, such as passing, dribbling, control and shooting at goal.
On the other hand, we also work on the collective aspect so that they can improve their understanding of the game. So that our players can think about all the moments that happen in a match, recognise in the moment and discover the best solutions for each problem.
The importance of this department is to provide all members with the knowledge of analising and creatign their own clips of video. By using different working tools to improve their understanding of the collective and individual aspects of the game.
The main objective of the department is to train coaches and players through different software specialized in the analysis of the game. Thus, obtaining a technical-tactical transfer through analyzed contents.
There are different types of visualization of a game, among which we highlight the following:
- The audiovisual report, is made after the recording of the match, to later, make 'cuts' according to what you want to see.
- The written report is attached to the audiovisual report to reinforce what was observed at the beginning.
Coaches, through their game model established their methodology, must observe how their players behave. Seeing what their characteristics are, their strengths and weaknesses, with the aim of optimizing their performance for the benefit of the collective. Using these tools to also be able to offer them as much information as possible for their improvement.
First of all, the most important thing is to gather all kinds of information related to the opposing team, both individually and collectively.
Once all the information about the opponent has been selected, we will focus on their technical-tactical aspects, reflecting their main characteristics, their strengths and weaknesses.
Once all the information previously described has been compiled, it is shared with the rest of the coaching staff, with the objective of selecting the most important aspects of the opponent, in order to later transfer them to the players.
The player must know that for his individual improvement the player must be able to understand the proposed model of play, being of great importance in their training process as a soccer player. For this exact reason, it´s important to know how to analyze the context individually and collectively.
Regarding recording, at the facility, we have fixed IP cameras located in one of the towers around the fields. Through these cameras beholding an optimal recording to collect and manage all types of content that we later use for technical-tactical improvement.
Regarding content editing, in the Video Analysis Department, we work with specialized video editing programs and software applied such as Longomatch.
It is important to note that not only are the games recorded, but also the training sessions as well being that these are of special importance for the members of the coaching staff and players.
Once all the information regarding each of the School's teams has been compiled, the recordings are extracted and given to the coaching staff of each team so that they can visualize the information and evaluate the content.
Subsequently, once the audiovisual information is available, a weekly meeting is scheduled at the beginning and end of the week with the analysts and the other members of the coaching staff. These meetings help mold us and help improve since it opens up time to share ideas, points of view and the way in which the work has been done. These meetings are held in the Video Room located in the facility, where we have computers, whiteboards and touch screens in order to optimize and give greater performance to the Analysis Area.
The topics to be discussed in these meetings are the following:
- Visualization of the content prepared by the analysts of moments that occurred in the last game played. Both mistakes and good plays are shown with the aim of focusing on them to improve and sharing it with the coaching staff if necessary.
- Analyze if what has been worked on in training has had real transfer in the game, and if not, find the solution to make it happen.
- Weekly planning by days.
- Presentation of audiovisual content on an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the opponent that the team will face in the next match, focusing on their strengths, weaknesses and behavior patterns, both collectively and individually.
Our starting point is to know our players in an integral way. To this end, we have a multidisciplinary health team (doctor, nutritionist, psychologist, physical trainer and physical therapist) that performs a complete medical and nutritional evaluation that allows us to establish the objectives and strategies to work on during the season. Taking into consideration both their initial physical, nutritional state and their dietary and cultural habits and needs.
We also work to develop the emotional competencies of the players from the moment they join our academy and we carry out programs through which we get to know their personal abilities to help them develop their sporting and educational potential.
For its part, the physical preparation department is responsible for optimizing the performance of our players and minimizing the risk of injury.
We work with the Jaume I Clinic in Catarroja, which allows us to have access to all medical specialists and experts to ensure all the care needed by players in sports or general medicine.
Educational area
At SIA Academy we are aware of the importance of academic studies in the life of the players, and for this reason the students of the program are advised and tutored by our expert pedagogues so that they can continue their studies during their stay with us.
Students are required to take some form of training during the program. Most of our students continue their academic studies at a distance with their school or university in their country of origin, always with the supervision and contact of our staff with the corresponding educational center.

The pedagogical area of SIA has agreements with institutions where students can take their studies during the program and validate them later in their country. The program is equipped with the flexibility and methods necessary for students to train and compete without lowering the performance in their studies, maximizing the use of time and having reinforcement teachers and their tutor.
We have different options for academic training, we care about the future of our players, for this reason, we give importance to the academic part and they must take at least one of these options:
If the player is under 16 years old, the Spanish Education Law requires their schooling in an educational center so from SIA Academy we have an agreement with British School Xativa, which allows our players is flexible schedule and to combine studies and training.
All players under 16 years of age receive extra support in Spanish in our residence with qualified professionals to acquire and improve their communicative competence in the language.
-If the player is older than 16 years old, the player has different possibilities:
Classroom training with flexible timetable at British School Xátiva.
British School Xátiva, offers the opportunity to study in a private school immersed in a 100% British system. At 15 min. from Soccer Academy.
Spanish course in a school certified by Instituto Cervantes.
We offer a program that in a playful and practical way and adapted to our soccer players allows them to master the Spanish language.
The course is taught by qualified teachers and recognized within the Instituto Cervantes.
10 hours of Spanish per week.
Small groups and by levels receive the classes in the multimedia classroom of our residence.
Students choose the possibility of taking the official exams of the Instituto Cervantes. The official exams certify linguistic knowledge and are recognized all over the world. Their structure is in accordance with the six levels of progression in language learning established by the Council of Europe.
Online training with a private and accredited educational platform.
Private and accredited online school designed for high-performance athletes.
This way of working is designed for young players who are looking for a school that supports their unique schedule, creates a pathway to their personal, professional and athletic goals and leverages the latest technology for an on-the-go environment.
This way of working specifically benefits motivated students who train, travel and compete.
The online curriculum allows for a flexible school schedule and academic calendar.
The support system keeps students engaged, motivated and on track for success.
This platform allows players to move towards the goal so desired by some elite athletes, which is to earn a college scholarship in the USA.
Our educational platform is accredited and approved by the NCAA.
Ensure your college education in the USA!
International Baccalaureate in 100% online mode.
Personalized training program.
Being flexible you can do it at your own pace, you have a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 24 months to complete the degree.
While you complete the diploma you can prepare for the American SAT or ACT which examines you in the subjects of the diploma.
Personalized tutoring and support system.
You will receive an official diploma accredited by the U.S. homologated to the Spanish baccalaureate, which will also give you access to all universities in the world.
Soccer technician training courses equivalent to the official FIFA levels.
You must have a high school diploma.
Classes in the computer room of our facilities.
You will be able to do your internship in our soccer school.
Classes taught by specialized coaches.
Certified English courses.
We offer a program that in a playful and practical way and adapted to our soccer players allows you to improve your English.
The course is taught by qualified teachers.
10 hours of English per week.
Small groups and by levels receive the classes in the multimedia classroom of our residence.
The students choose the possibility of taking the official exams. The official exams certify the linguistic knowledge and are recognized all over the world. Their structure follows the six levels of progression in the learning of languages established by the Council of Europe.
Intermediate and higher education courses in 100% online mode.
We have a wide range of training courses.
You will be able to access them as long as you have a high school diploma.
Obtaining an official qualification recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
If the player over 16 years old chooses an online training it is essential to enroll in the language course to obtain the student visa.
In SIA Academy we place the players at the center of the intervention, developing individual programs to develop their potential after knowing their talents and skills to improve.
We conduct an initial interview based on 3 axes of psychological competencies. We train players in the mental skills needed to be a differential soccer player, anticipating the future needs of soccer players, based on the experience we have in the center and being aware of the latest psychological trends. In the sports axis we place the most important psychological skills, for the development of soccer players in training and matches in order to achieve their maximum potential. In the axis of personal skills, we focus on the competencies to speed up their adaptation, improve their state of well-being, promote the player's autonomy and interpersonal relationships. In the third axis we find the cognitive skills, these are enhancers of the two previous axes, improving information processing and problem solving.
In the sports axis we promote skills such as creativity, the creative player is the one capable of solving complex situations through an unexpected action. Self-confidence is the security that the player has about his abilities and skills, being able to demonstrate them in the most demanding and stressful moments of the games. Activation is the physiological control of the player according to the demands of each match situation, knowing when to be calmer or when to be more active. Coping strategies help players manage the instantaneous demands of performance in stressful situations. Motivation, the fundamental driving force of the athlete, is the skill that allows you to reach a higher level and helps you to keep going in difficult moments.
On the axis of personal skills are placed, social skills, these help us to improve the understanding of themselves and others, improving their welfare and adaptation. Empathy generates that players promote a positive effect on others, facilitating the relationship with their teammates, coaches ... Emotional regulation, will help players to react before personal harmful episodes and achieve the optimal state more quickly.
The cognitive axis is a different approach to the difficulties of the players and allows an exponential improvement in the other axes, this science is based on cognitive neuropsychology, for this the department is in continuous training knowing the constant research in this area. Within this axis we find the perception, being able to recognize which elements are more important in certain contexts allows to better understand and interpret the game. Decision making allows the player to perform the right action with the right timing. Improving attention allows the player to spend more time actively participating in the game, avoiding ups and downs and having greater cognitive flexibility in transitions, performing them more quickly.
After an evaluation of the 3 axes, we will intervene with the players in a holistic way, with individual and group trainings and workshops.
From the moment they are incorporated into the discipline of SIA, they find an environment that favors and promotes the learning of values such as effort, sacrifice, discipline, autonomy ... In these values we find the basis for the personal development of the players, to ensure that they can adapt to various experiences that will live in their personal and professional experience. At SIA we have our own program to speed up the players' adaptation to this new experience. Joining a professional structure requires a series of initial learning. In order to achieve quickly to be fully integrated sporting and socially, being able to develop from a very early stage all its potential.
The psychology department trains the members who interact with the players so that they have the knowledge to know how to interact in the different scenarios that occur on a daily basis. It also provides the methodology department with the latest studies and evidence on neuroscience to achieve greater learning and cognitive development for the player to achieve greater development than the rest of the players.
At the end of the process, the development of the players is evaluated and contextualized in order to generate our own protocols, thanks to the investigation of the most important factors for the formation of the player.
At SIA we know the importance of nutrition in sports performance, that is why our project has focused on the nutritional education of our players in order to provide them with the necessary tools to encourage the voluntary adoption of healthy eating behaviors that contribute to their sports career.
Our starting point is to know our players in an integral way. For this we have a multidisciplinary health team (doctor, nutritionist, psychologist, physical trainer and physiotherapist) that performs a complete medical-nutritional evaluation that allows us to establish the objectives and strategies to work on during the season, taking into consideration both their initial nutritional status and their eating habits and preferences or cultural.
We also take care to perform a nutritional follow-up that allows us to define the progress. The components of the nutritional follow-up are presented below:
Parameters Objectives
The analysis of body composition is a fundamental part in the assessment of nutritional status in athletes, as it allows us to establish quantitatively how body weight is distributed in its different components (fat mass, muscle mass, bone mass, residual mass.).
The study of body composition will be essential to understand the effects that diet, physical exercise and physical growth, among other environmental factors, have on the body of our players.
Due to the importance of the above, at SIA we use 2 techniques for this analysis:
- DEXA SCAN: is a technique for the study of body composition based on X-ray photon absorptiometry. Due to its high precision it represents the best indicator for the estimation of body composition. We perform this study on all our players when they enter the academy and we use it as a reference for follow-up.
- BODY MEASUREMENTS: performed through the technique of kinanthropometry (weight, height, skinfold measurement, body perimeters and diameters) and in compliance with the ISAK protocol (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry). These measurements allow us to estimate the athlete's body composition and detect its variations in a practical way.
Subjective Parameters
Weekly interview with our sports nutritionist in order to:
-Know and guide the nutritional expectations of our athletes.
-Determine the level of satisfaction of our players with the menu offered, while encouraging them to try new preparations.
Likewise, through our dining room service, we strive to create a pleasant atmosphere at the time of the meal that invites relaxation, sharing and enjoyment of food.
SIA Educational Project
As part of our educational project, we strive to maintain constant communication with our players in order to impart knowledge in the area of nutrition in a practical and spontaneous way.
We also carry out special activities:
-Cooking workshops (SIA CHEFF): they seek to promote teamwork, task responsibility and a greater knowledge of the properties of food in such a way that they have tools to contribute to their food autonomy.
-Nutrition workshops: theoretical and practical approach to topics related to nutrition and its influence on energy availability, strength, performance and recovery in soccer.
The physical preparation department is in charge of optimising the performance of our players and minimising the risk of injury.
The first thing we do together with the other three departments that make up the health area (nutritional dep., physiotherapy dep. and medical dep.) is to send out questionnaires a few weeks before the players arrive, in order to have all the information we need and to be able to prepare the first training mesocycle, individualising it as much as possible to the needs and characteristics of the player.
Once the player arrives at the centre, we carry out functional assessment tests to see if they have correct or normalised ranges of movement, to observe if they have any shortening or dysfunctional asymmetries and to see if they have any weakened or unbalanced areas. All of this is done to minimise the risk of injury so that you can train daily without any problems.
We then carry out some conditional assessment tests in the gym, to see the levels of strength and/or power they have and to be able to draw their strength-speed profile, which will help us, together with other tests, to see the weak points of our players and to be able to individualise their training in the gym.
Once we have finished the tests in the gym, we carry out the field tests. The first tests, which are more technical, are used to see if they have good technique when running, running with the ball, making changes of direction and performing typical actions that occur on the pitch.
Finally, the specific physical performance tests on the pitch are carried out between the 2nd and 3rd week, as first of all we need to have the stress tests, analytical tests, anthropometric tests, etc. (which will be carried out during the first week) and make sure that everything is working correctly, and that they can carry out the on-field tests without any risk.
Once all the medical tests have been carried out, all the departments come back to us with their reports, and together with the coaches we draw up a specific plan to optimise the performance of our players and try to get them to adapt as quickly as possible.
Depending on the objectives we have with each player and the team in which they play, we draw up a work plan with their coaches in which we try to optimise their performance in all facets (physical, technical & tactical and mental) so that they can perform as well as possible in the team in which they are going to play and adapt as well as possible to the conditions required by the coach.
SIA Academy
At SIA Academy we stand out because we successfully train players at a high performance rate. While working on the sporting aspects with the utmost professionals, we also focus on educating our players in daily lifestyle and manors overall promoting a solid respectful enviornment within the academy.

We are the only internacional academy that obtains teams in all age categories up till the Mens Third Division, also includign our U19 youth team in the Spanish Nacional league. After being tested by our professionals, you will be placed in the team that most seems fit for your level of play.
Therefore, we guarantee to our players a whole and controlled training enviorment with the help of our professionals. Always being in contact with the coaches of each age group and category to keep in control the athletic evolution. Through working this way, hopefully in the future we make our ends meet and make our dreams of being a professional soccer player come true.